October 28, 2020 / March 22, 2023 by Query
“Statistical computing is the interface between statistics and computer science.” What is Statistical Computing? Computational statistics are statistics done with a computer. Everything from ML to the graphical model to the inverse eigenvalue problem is involved in statistical computing. Data analysis and statistical modeling techniques can be challenging, and computer software is the best way […]
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October 21, 2020 / March 22, 2023 by Query
It’s the URL, stupid (me)! Consider a scenario. You are in a miserable situation where you accidentally clicked on some phishing link or scam URL. A long time ago, when the web was safe, and viruses, trojans, and worms were transmitted only by EXE or BIN files, we could rest assured that the virus scanner […]
October 14, 2020 / December 24, 2022 by Query
In the last article, Understanding the Elastic Stack, I broke down the various Elastic components (check it out for a quick refresher). Now we will use the REST API provided by Elasticsearch as the back-end for a simple project. But before, let us discuss why we want to use Elasticsearch REST API as back-end. The […]
October 11, 2020 / December 24, 2022 by Query
October 7, 2020 / March 22, 2023 by Query
Introduction We have all have heard of network analyzers or packet sniffers, Wireshark with its command-line counterpart Tshark, or tcpdump. This article explores how Linux’s command-line power, combined with the tcpdump lexical parser’s filter expressions, can be used for some complex networking debugging. If you are bored at home in these COVID times, how about […]
October 4, 2020 / December 24, 2022 by Query
September 23, 2020 / March 22, 2023 by Query
DNS – Do Not think it’s Simple In our recent series of articles, we talked about network security-related tools and techniques one needs to be aware of to build a cybersecurity career. Next, we will cover DNS and its related security implications! DNS, or Domain Name System, translates domain names to IP addresses, so your […]
September 9, 2020 / March 22, 2023 by Query
This is a quick introduction on popular Supervised Learning Algorithms. As we may recall, Supervised Learning refers to the set of algorithms that uses training data comprising both of inputs and corresponding output to build a model that subsequently predicts the best output for future inputs. Supervised Learning problems fall in two broad categories: In […]
September 2, 2020 / December 24, 2022 by Query
September 1, 2020 / December 24, 2022 by Query