Query Beta Agreement

Effective 10-1-2024

BETA Terms

Any service designated with Beta, Experiments, Labs, or In Beta (“BETA”) is subject to the terms set forth in the Query Terms and Conditions. Query.AI, Inc. makes no commitments about the functionality, accuracy, or quality of any BETA product or feature, including Query Copilot, during the BETA period. We do not recommend using BETA products or features for production purposes, as data may be lost, deleted, or corrupted.

These Query Terms of Service (“Terms”) explain your and Query.AI, Inc.’s rights and obligations with respect to transporting your data to and from a third-party product (“Third Party Product”) and importing that data into Query Copilot (“Query Service”), via the Query Copilot feature (“Query Copilot”). In addition to these Terms, your use of Query to process and use (and export or import of) data from/to a Third-Party Product may be subject to additional, third-party terms and privacy policies. Query is not a party to your agreement with a Third-Party Product, nor your agreement with any other third party. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization’s customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Query Service and therefore are not covered by Query compliance and data protection commitments.

Note that you, as the data controller for your data, are responsible for all data ingested into Query, including obtaining applicable consents from individuals whose data is ingested. Only after such data is successfully ingested into Query will such data be considered “Customer Data,” for purposes of the Product Terms, Privacy Policy, and the Query data processing and other obligations. You can also find more about how Query commits to data protection and privacy by visiting our Trust Center.

You are responsible for configuring, and using Query to access and extract any data from a Third-Party Product, and doing so in compliance with any applicable Third-Party Product terms and privacy policies, as well as with applicable law. Query is not responsible for, and disclaims all liability related to: (i) your use of a Third Party Product, (ii) your interactions with any Third Party Product (including related APIs or other platforms), and (iv) your access and use of any data outside of Query, including any errors, data loss, or other losses that occur during or as a result of exporting any data into Query. Please note that in the event that a feature is deleted or disabled, the data may be lost. Query is not responsible for such data loss. If a feature becomes disabled or unavailable for any reason you are responsible for manually processing data subject rights.


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